
Hide Password Entry in UNIX script:

We can use 'stty' to hide the password entry in UNIX command prompt, which is like entering password when you login to the UNIX.
'stty' sets options for your terminal
Ex :
  • stty erase \^h --- set the backspace as erase key
  • stty sane
  • stty
Example Script:
echo "Please enter the pwd:"
stty -echo
read pwd
stty echo
if [ "$pwd" == "secret" ]; then
echo "u have access"
  echo "access denied"


Sort Utility in Datastage

The type of sort the stage will carryout:
  • Datastage: This used built-in DataStage sorter.do not require any additional software.
  • UNIX : unix sort command is used to perform sort.

Stable Sort :

  • Applies to sort utility type of Datastage,the default is true.It is set to True to guarantee that this sort operation will not rearrange records that are already in sorted dataset.
  • If it is set to False no prior ordering of records is guaranteed.