
5 ways to add you'r blog to google

1: Submit your blog to Google

Obviously you’ve got to submit your new blog to Google before it can be indexed. Some free blogging platforms will submit your blog for free, while others, especially self-hosted blogging platforms, require you to do it yourself. Either way, it’s an easy 5-minute job that can be done alongside other, more time consuming tasks. Use the Google webmasters tools to verify your site. Here’s how:

Step 1: Go to www.google.com/webmasters. Sign in using your Google Account or create an account if you don’t have one already.

Step 2: Add your blog site by clicking the “Add a site” button. Then type in the domain name you wish to add, and click “Continue”.

Step 3: Once added you will need to verify that you own this site. This can be done one of two ways, Meta Tag or Upload a HTML file. The Meta Tag way is, by far the easiest.

Step 4: Meta Tag verification. This method requires you to add a piece of code to your header.php file. Copy the Meta Tag code Google has asked you to copy to your blog site.

Step 5: In your WordPress dashboard go to “Appearance”, then “Editor” using the menu tabs on the left hand side.

Then click on Header (header.php) on the right hand side to open up the header template. Find the "head" tag highlighted, and BELOW it “paste” in the verification Meta tag Google has given you.

Step 6: Then scroll down and click on “Update File”

Step 7: Go back to the Google Webmasters Tool website and click “Verify” and Google will confirm that you own the site.

Step 8: After verifying, Google will display a confirmation page.
2: Submit your blog Sitemap to Google

If you are using WordPress, install the Google XML sitemap plugin that creates a sitemap of your blog that search engines can read.
You now want to add your blog’s sitemap. This is how:

Step 1: From within the Google Webmaster tools website, click on the domain name you have just added and it will open up a Dashboard for your site. On the left hand side menu, click on “Site Configuration” and then “Sitemaps”.

Step 2: Click “Submit a Sitemap” and enter the name of your sitemap. It should be sitemap.xml

It will take a few hours for the sitemaps to be analyzed and added. Then you can return here and make sure there are no errors, see how many URLs are being indexed and the time that Google last visited you. Even without the sitemap you will begin to get a list of the top search queries that your site is being found for, incoming links to your site, and the keywords that Google thinks your site is optimized for.

By verifying your site and adding your blog’s sitemap, you are telling Google your blog has arrived and it will quickly be indexed.
3: Use social bookmarking to generate links right away

Social bookmarking services are a great way to generate links to your new blog in record time. From simple community bookmarking websites to the giants of the web, submitting your website to social bookmarking services like StumbleUpon, Digg and Twitter can help you generate powerful, natural linkbacks. Log on and “favorite” your blog, and be sure to encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.
4: Get posting on forums

Get your blog link in your forum signature and start posting it on as many forums as you can. Of course, spamming is never a good long-term idea, but some smart, relevant forum posts are a great way to bring in new SEO juice and links for your new blog. For some reason, Google tends to prioritize websites that are generating links already, so get out there and create as many as you possibly can for your new blog.
5: Install SEO plugins for your blog

Most blogs will come with a SEO pack available, and WordPress has a free one for download if you’re having trouble optimizing your blog. Search engine optimization is absolutely essential for generating blog traffic, and without putting time and thought into your SEO efforts it’s easy to lose what could be a great opportunity. Even though we’re focusing on short-term SEO speed, it’s good to think long-term right from the beginning. Download and use the All-in-one-Seo-Pack plugin. Check out my video to optimize your All-in-one-SEO-pack plugin set up: How to use the All in one SEO WordPress plugin to your advantage

Five ideas that take hardly any time will ensure you get you new blog seen and indexed by Google within 24 hours.

What tips would you add? Please share your views in the comments below.

Guest author Andrew Rondeau is the author of the free guide Income Blogging Guide. Click on the following link to grab your complimentary copy of Andrew’s Income Blogging Guide. You can also submit guest posts and share your SEO tips and tricks.

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Sitemap generator for blogger




DataStage Errors and Workarounds

1)WebSphere_MQ_Connector,0: Fatal Error: Virtual data set.; output of "WebSphere_MQ_Connector": the record is too big to fit in a block; the length requested is: 1000027, the max block length is: 131072.


2)Teradata_Enterprise,5: Insufficient blocks for partition 5. Reading suppressed.

ENTER THE VALUE “SessionsPerPlayer=2,RequestedSessions=12, Synctimeout=300”

3)File_OO_Cy: When checking operator: A sequential operator cannot preserve the partitioning
of the parallel data set on input port 0.

Sol:before the sequential file stage In the Advanced Tab change the "Preserve Partioning" to "Clear"

this is because of the conflict of Read mode is parallel but by default sequential file only takes the data in sequential mode.

Datastage Designs and FAQ's

FAQ 1 :
# Continuous Funnel combines the records of the input data in no guaranteed order. It takes one record from each input link in turn. If data is not available on an input link, the stage skips to the next link rather than waiting.

# Sort Funnel combines the input records in the order defined by the value(s) of one or more key columns and the order of the output records is determined by these sorting keys.

# Sequence copies all records from the first input data set to the output data set, then all the records from the second input data set, and so on.

For all methods the meta data of all input data sets must be identical.

The sort funnel method has some particular requirements about its input data. All input data sets must be sorted by the same key columns as to be used by the Funnel operation.

Typically all input data sets for a sort funnel operation are hash-partitioned before they're sorted (choosing the auto partitioning method will ensure that this is done). Hash partitioning guarantees that all records with the same key column values are located in the same partition and so are processed on the same node. If sorting and partitioning are carried out on separate stages before the Funnel stage, this partitioning must be preserved.

The sortfunnel operation allows you to set one primary key and multiple secondary keys. The Funnel stage first examines the primary key in each input record. For multiple records with the same primary key value, it then examines secondary keys to determine the order of records it will output.